My Future is coming

    Hello, everyone! Welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I will briefly tell you about my plans. So let's get started, I'm already in grade 12 of high school. I'm sure you will understand that grade 12 must have goals and plans after graduating from high school. so, "What are my plans after graduation? What do I want? What are my hopes for the future? What are my goals?" These are all easy questions to answer, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds them difficult to answer.

    When I was a kid and people asked me about my dreams, I always answered to the doctor with confidence. But as I grew older, I constantly changed my goals. Sometimes I kept changing my goals after watching a drama I loved. Time's passing that finally made me realize that I don't really want to be like them. I just loved the drama so I got swept away and wanted to be like them in no time. Because of that, it makes me completely lost my way and not know the true desires and interests of my talent.

    Even so, I still have to find out what I really want. Back to the ideals of childhood, that's doctor. It crossed my mind. But I didn't have the confidence I once had, I now realize that being a doctor is hard. Plus the interest for attending medical school was so high that I had so much competition. On the other hand, I have a hobby of reading or studying human personalities, mental problems and mental illness. Because of that, I also think I want to become a psychologist. I know being a psychologist isn't easy either. Entering a Psychology department is also very difficult. But I thought, if I can't help healing people physically, people, I can help sow people's mentality. As we know, mental health is still largely ignored by the general public.

   Although, I still have doubts about which major I want to take, but for the university I already know which university I want to go to. I want to enter Padjadjaran University (UNPAD). Besides that, I also want to have a desire at the university of Gajah mada (UGM). For UGM, it seems that my parents will not like it, because it is too far from home. Oh yes I forgot, before I wanted to enter the world of lectures, of course I wanted to graduate with the best grades. Better grades than my previous grades.

  I will continue to pray with the effort. We humans can only plan without knowing what the end will be. Time to study in high school Anywhere else, that means my future will come. Whatever the result, I leave it to Allah SWT.

    Maybe this story doesn't really answer my plans, because I'm still in a dilemma to decide. But at least maybe it can let you know someone's point of view and you can be decisive in determining certain things. 

    Thank you all for reading to the end. I hope you continue to be enthusiastic in achieving your goals. Always be happy and stay healthy. See you on my next blog!


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